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Executor's Responsibilities

Are you an executor and wanting to know what you’re responsible for?


Have you been appointed an Executor in someone’s Will and need advice on what to do next?
The role of Executor is a complex and demanding job, which requires expert advice and legal knowledge of the duties and responsibilities attached to the role.

If you have been appointed the executor by a parent, friend or relative, then let our Team help you relieve the burden of the responsibility of administering your loved one’s estate and help you each step of the way.

We can offer you professional advice on your responsibilities as executor by dealing with all the complex legal requirements and formalities which include proving the Will and obtaining Probate to enable you to carry out the last wishes of your loved one and resolving any Will disputes.

Defending A Claim On The Estate

Your duty as an Executor is to uphold the last wishes of the deceased according to their Will.

We have on our Team of experts an experienced member who was formerly with NSW Trustee and has more than 28 years’ experience in defending claims and challenges to Wills. If you have been appointed the Executor of a Will or the Administrator of a deceased Estate against which a Family Provision Claim or a Challenge to the Testamentary Capacity of the deceased has been made, then we also have the expertise and knowledge to guide you in defending the will and upholding the last wishes of the deceased.

Protecting The Estate Property & Assets

Sometimes when a person dies, their assets may be lost or transferred to people other than the named beneficiaries. We will take immediate legal action to identify and preserve the assets. We will then apply measures to stop any wrongful transfer of assets and bring them back into the Estate.

In will disputes and estate litigation matters, both the assets of the estate and the deceased person’s wishes are at stake. The Estate Litigation Experts of our office have the knowledge and experience needed to resolve disputes promptly and effectively. While we will not hesitate to pursue litigation when necessary, we also know when it is appropriate to simply act as a legal guide and provide professional assistance.

Whether disputing a will or seeking to preserve assets, our goal is always to achieve the best possible outcome.

Need assistance managing your legal and financial affairs? Our power of attorney services can help you appoint a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf, ensuring your interests are protected.

Concerned about your future care and medical decisions? Our enduring guardian services can help you appoint a trusted person to make important lifestyle and healthcare decisions for you if you become incapacitated.

Have a valid claim against a deceased person’s estate? Our estate claim services can assist you in navigating the legal process and securing your rightful share of the estate.

Sustained a workplace injury that goes beyond workers’ compensation? Our work injury damages services can help you seek additional compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity, and other non-economic losses.

Feel you have been inadequately provided for in a will? Our family provision claim services can help you seek a fair share of the estate, ensuring your financial needs are met.

Have you relied on a promise or representation regarding an estate? Our equitable estoppel claim services can assist you in seeking compensation for your detriment.
Suspect a will was made under undue influence or coercion? Our undue influence services can help you challenge the validity of the will and protect your interests.
Need assistance with the legal process of administering an estate? Our probate and estate administration services can guide you through the complexities, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Will & Estate Planning

Need a professionally drafted will? Our will drafting services can help you create a legally binding document that accurately reflects your wishes and protects your assets.